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All we have to fear is fear itself. Greedy organizations and war can be hazard to your health. Don't lose your health and character or you can loose everything. Government and the mad Greedy will control weather, poison food supply and you will be happy.Not me, do the opposite create my own best doctor and Goverment within the Matrix system game. I get criticized and down here for my urban farming and tiny house communities as solutions. I thought non believer here were alot more into science, nature and to simplified life. Your local friendly farmer and not-a-doctor eugenicist, Mr. Kill Gates, whose psychopathic ‘sundimming’ project to freeze the earth by spraying chemicals in the air and microwaving your ass is finally gaining momentum. Yup, the “secret” is out, but by now most people are too fluorided and poisoned and microwaved to even notice. Or care.
While the weather bureau and mainstream media insist it’s “the hottest June in 150 million years… so far, or maybe Co2 levels are messing up your skin receptors”. Or is it fake news? Weather this year summer is Hot. They have created era of global boiling has arrived and you will never see summer again. Its not going to ruin my summer holiday (forever), Be sure they will geoengineer a MEGA flood or two, or a MEGA hurricane, or a MEGA wild-firenado.
Without the sun, nothing grows, and they’re even destroying the honey bees which are essential for fertilizing plants and helping them reproduce. We already know they’re killing cows, (no real milk, butter, or cheese), and chickens (no eggs) under the auspice of “bird flu” and that’s not the end of it by a long mile.

Unless you start your survival garden now, you can look forward to genetically modified plastic avocados, bendy-rubber watermelons, self-sprouting tomatoes, synthetic coffee, and beautiful crops of yummy bugs. And, of course, your government-mandated mRNA lethal injection against “Covid with Wings”.

No easy way out of this yet, there are ways and many more as we explore alternative ways to build community, and how to remove yourself from centralized institutions that corrupt and erode. If you want more of the same, don't work on your self and keep with centroism. Be unprepared for all of the chaos to come,Or

Tell me what your doing about it?

Castlepaloma 8 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Interestingly with the reflection of hindsight I still consider that the healthiest time of my life was 25 years ago when I lived off grid in a 16' x 8' space with my cat. Never having been into gardening I never developed self sufficiency, perhaps if I had I would have been even healthier. I probably should have heeded the man encountered ten years early who was lean as a whippet who told me of his remarkable story of having abandoned a highly lucrative occupation as carpenter & builder in Sydney to rent a country property & grow his own food for the family as he was so overweight & suffering from sciatica attacks of such severity that at times he could only crawl on hands & knees. When I met him he had become a humble man who thanked his spade & hoe for having given him his life & equanamity back.

I'd still be off grid if some invader hadn't tried to smash the windows of my vardi by spinning his car wheels to throw the blue metal stones covering ground up to smash them. When I went outside to remonstrate he ran me over & left me for dead at the side of the road no longer a whole bodied able person (hence my nom de plume).


Sorry for some of your physical health accidents. Although what is more that you have alot of integrity and character so your far from loosing everything. Some senses lost can and will redevelopment greater differences abilities in other parts of one character in order to service human well beings better. Kind of like Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles.

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