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If you are part of the Trump Derangement Cult, I suggest passing on this because it will narrowly escape your comprehension. If you are a Trump Savior Cult member, it is more directly aimed at you, but in the main, it is proposed as a viewpoint to be considered by the less 'damaged goods'', standing on feet with toes instead of hooves, browsing these posts.

Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens and many more influential erstwhile Trump Train passengers to come are going to seriously erode President Trump's 'edge', from the looks of things.

From this point in time, it doesn't appear to be enough to prevent his reelection, but there are months ahead and many more defenseless, starving and diseased people to be murdered in cold blood with our government's military, political, media and financial enabling.

Trump and his mainstay advocates have no problem with this murderous policy of our 'two cheeks of the same ass', coup regime. Financing and arming genocide is the ONLY bi-partisan supported issue in our bought and paid for Congress. More people are awakening to this daily. As this happens, the leading candidates will begin to have less enthusiastic support regardless of which cheek they represent.

Again, cultist parroting isn't sought here. That aside, has your position on either or any of the three, for some, leading candidates changes because of this? For those of you (like me) for whom Jill Stein was formerly a non-starter, begun to reconsider her attractiveness, win or lose, as the only anti-war candidate? Have you, like myself, considered just abstaining entirely because those chosen for us by our owners are equally distatseful?

Silver1wun 7 June 17

Enjoy being online again!

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