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The advancement of digital technologies appears to be hindering children from reaching their full potential. It is a fact that in the UK, digital clocks are displayed in exam halls because pupils and students struggle to read the time on analogue clocks.

Meanwhile in Sweden... I'm inclined to agree with what Sweden is planning to do.

Sweden might have some of the best educational performance and attainment metrics in Europe, but the Swedish Government is unhappy with recent attainment levels. It plans to move away from digital screens and invest more in bringing textbooks back into classrooms.

The Swedish Government has announced plans to release 685 million kroner ($68m USD) this year and another 500 million kroner ($50m USD) in both 2024 and again in 2025 to speed up the return of printed textbooks to the nation’s schools.

The debate in Sweden is raging around the use of digital screens, with many politicians, parents and teachers fearing that the nation’s schools have gone too far and too fast in embracing digital technologies in classrooms.

Swedish literacy remains higher than the European average. However, recent international literacy surveys have shown a decline in young Swedes’ reading and comprehension skills. The Swedish schools minister blamed the lackluster performance on the overprovisioning of digital screens, tablets and computers in the country’s classrooms.

Schools Minister Lotta Edholm has previously raised concerns. In December 2022, she published a column in the Expressen newspaper condemning the shelving of the textbook. She condemned “the uncritical attitude that considered casually that digitalization is good whatever its context” and argued that the textbook has “benefits that no tablet can replace”.

Read on if you are interested: [].

Ryo1 8 June 17

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If the nexus between digital technology hindering children is evidenced by digital clocks displayed in exam halls then we have a paradox that is, and is not, by a long chalk.


As Minister for Education in the right wing liberal Swedish government and on the board of companies that deliver education for profit, hmm.

Why not put this up on a message board in a library.

I'd rather have a billion books in one that sorts through the information I require for my education.

I agree with the last sentence you wrote. One young(ish) scholar admits that she doesn't have enough patience to read an entire academic paper and resorts to Googling a summary of it instead of concluding her own summary. She is well aware that such technology is hindering her from thinking by herself and for herself, and she admits her weakness.


It takes Maybe a minute to teach kids how to read an analog clock, I taught with my grandsons, one 5, one 7, once I realized nobody had....they were Delighted with their "secret knowledge".
Where da F are the parents??????

In the UK, children are taught how to read the time on a traditional clock. It's part of the primary (elementary) school curriculum. Unfortunately, they quickly forget and lose that skill because of the modern 'digital' lifestyle they grow up in. They don't know what it means by 'quarter to/past', for example.


The one time in my life that I was tempted by the chance to steal, was when I left school and had to go back, to hand in my science text books. There were two especially, and they were lovely, I never found anything as good since. I did the honest thing, and have rued it ever since.

Your integrity is intact. 🙂

Rest assured that pretty much everything that was in them has been debunked 25 years ago or or more.
My ex insisted on keeping some of his, at age 52, although infested with paper lice or siverfish or something, until I opened one at random and it was soooo outdated.

@annewimsey500 very true possibly.

@Fernapple Is or maybe?

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