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Generally speaking I do not like to link to anything from FOX (for the same reason I don't care to link to any other mainstream sources like CNN or MSN), but it appears for the time being anyway that no other mainstream source had reported on State Rep Ron Reynolds' comments made during that interview on FOX News. Reynolds' remarks are most revealing but hardly surprising, implying that black men are "thugs" and "Ns", and that in arming more black men that will scare the racists into promoting more gun control legislation. Funny part is, that whole talk show segment along with all of those interviewed fell for a fake proposal, as the "scare the racists straight" campaign and the organization supposedly behind it all are totally made up, nothing but a satire piece.

Again, that sort of thing, buying into satirical pieces and attempting to pass it off as actual news is one of the reasons why I'm distrustful of mainstream media sources like FOX, although that talkshow inadvertently got that Democratic State Rep to reveal his true feelings on that matter, and his take on the matter is revolting to say the least that he thinks that little of his fellow black men so as to make such insensitive comments. Also, Reynolds would be very wrong in thinking that by making a move to arm more black men that somehow the gun rights advocates would shift their views towards more gun control laws, and personally speaking I'm delighted to hear that more blacks are becoming first time gun owners and exercising an important right.

Proposed initiative to influence gun control involves buying Black men AR-15s...

SpikeTalon 9 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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On the contrary, this was good because not only was it a good example of FOX reporting on a piece of satire that they thought was true, it also showed was hypocritical dirtbags Democratic politicians can be. I like stories when both political extremes get caught acting stupid.

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