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Biden/Trump situation 200624

The trouble at this instant is with lack of analysis

1 Trumps supporters will not bother to analyze all the mud that Trump threw at Biden. They are the most gullible people on one candidate ever in the planet

  1. There needs to be a wider analysis if Biden performance . No scientists would make a decision on what to do based on one experiment or performance.

  2. The analysis of Biden I would like to pursue, but can't ,
    is about how much help he has previously had in order to to get a new policy to be passed through all stages. How much work through both houses was Biden and how much Aids?
    4 USA has many of the greatest help for president schemes , quite rightly and properly for the president.

  3. Trump would not get a paper bag opened without help and he would change course without reason in an instant.

More analysis more science

Biden has a chance of being remembered as a great president . Don’ t destroy it on one night.

Mcfluwster 7 June 28

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