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Donald J. Trump: When people come into our country ...

snytiger6 9 July 2

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I agree with Lieu to the extent that everyone is indeed entitled to due process, but once found guilty of breaking any laws the 14th would not shield from such, and at that point the law needs to take its course.

The 14th Amendment's due process clause protects the rights of all individuals, including those who are accused of breaking the law. It ensures that everyone is entitled to fair treatment under the law, including the right to a fair trial, the right to present a defense, and the right to challenge any accusations made against them. The due process clause does not prevent the government from enforcing laws or holding individuals accountable for their actions, but it does require that such enforcement be done in a fair and just manner.

So I support the due process part and Trump's suggestion would surely violate that much, but I do not agree with shielding anyone who has been found guilty of breaking the law. Also, I find it ironic politicians like Lieu are quick to support the 14th A, but don't have nearly the same regard for other amendments like the 1st 2nd and 4th.

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