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Question for all of the diehard Biden supporters out there. In light of his most recent gaffe (read article below), how much longer do you think we can ignore and deflect away from Biden's apparent decline in mental health? And please don't babble on to me about Trump, the above mentioned incident had nothing directly to do with him, and I don't support Trump any more than I do Biden, both of those men give me the creeps as does virtually every politician. How much longer do you think we can simply ignore the obvious and conveniently deflect to other talking points just because facing the reality of that matter is too difficult for some to take? It was my understanding that (most) of the folks on this site identify as realists and go by actual evidence and facts? Kind of hard to ignore such evidence like that when it's plain obvious as the nose on your face. And don't kid yourself either, other countries (including Russia) were following that recent NATO event very closely, and laughing to themselves as to what an embarrassment the US has become. Personally, I'm getting fedup with the horseshit lies that Biden's handlers keep feeding to the public, and they must really think that many Americans are that stupid and or clueless...

Biden mistakenly introduces Zelensky as Putin at NATO event.
US President Joe Biden accidentally introduced Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” in a gaffe during a signing ceremony on the final day of the Nato summit in Washington DC on Thursday. The blunder will further fuel concerns about his mental acuity after a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump two weeks ago. It comes just before a press conference that could decide the fate of his reelection bid.-





SpikeTalon 9 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I’m disappointed in you Spike for not supporting Trump yourself as he’s a far better choice than Biden and will likely be one of the best choices we have for firing a lot of those unelected people in Washington who are directly responsible for a lot of what’s wrong with this country.

He had an opportunity back in 2017 to get rid of the crooked politicians in DC, but he didn't (not all of them anyways), they are still there. His tariffs hurt free trade and I must question how much overall good those policies were? Keep in mind that recently Biden has largely kept the Trump-era tariffs in place, and if Biden supports such there's no way that could have been a good thing in the first place. Trump was not exactly pro gun rights as he had claimed to be, and I don't forget the politicians that undermine our 2A rights, or the fact that Trump instigated a ban on bump stocks. Even if that ruling had gotten overturned, it still remains he pushed for something that insulted a good number of 2A supporters, and if he did that once he could do the same again.

All of that has left me doubtful, but then again these days I pretty much don't trust any politician. Should Trump get reelected, which given current situations (Biden being as unpopular as he is) I'd say that's the likely outcome, I'm willing to give him another chance to see what he does the next time around, but cautiously optimistic though. I'm snakebitten when it comes to politicians, as far too many of them break their promises. The degenerates in DC still remain, despite Trump already having served a term.

@SpikeTalon Hopefully Trump will be tougher on the establishment in Washington DC this next time around especially after what they have done to him.


a long time, Americans are good at ignorance.

Sadly, I think you're right about that.


It's both sad and strange how there are so many people out there that don't care WHO is running against Trump, that's who will get their vote. It's not even about what's best for the country anymore, it's just a personal, blind, hatred because he actually won before and isn't a professional politician. How sad is that! (yes, a rhetorical question 😏 so no need to try and answer)

Hatred blinds far too many nowadays.

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