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So, someone tried to shoot Trump. Would not surprise me if it was all premeditated.

Jolanta 9 July 14

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It's a sad reflection on the US of A that when something like this happens we tend to think of false flags and set ups and conspiracies and cover stories and alike. But the truth is, American history is full of false flags, set ups, cover stories, psych ops, covert programs, and real conspiracies and alike, for the most part covered up and 'classified' and all the rest of it, so it's hardly surprising, is it?

We can only hope that the truth will come out here, but the US track record is not good.


Are you saying the shooter planned this? Then yes I agree. If you are saying this is all fake for publicity/clout, then I disagree wholeheartedly. People were killed and Tump was less than an inch from death, nobody is trusting someone with a shot close to their head. You lefties should look in the mirror and realize there are many violent radicals amongst you.

Tejas Level 8 July 14, 2024

Oh, you lover of Donald. You should really think about what you say when you say; you lefties. Us lefties are the ones who care about whether people have enough to eat, that they earn a living wage, that they have health care without having to go bankrupt and other things. Besides the police in the US really do not care about so called collateral damage and neither does your military.

@Jolanta I've never been a Trump fan so good luck with that. The other gobbledygook you just said is objectively false or opinionated information.

@Tejas You think caring about your fellow humans is gobbledygook? Why? Don’t you want others to care about your wellbeing?

@Jolanta I care about some of my fellow humans. I'm not hindering anyone from anything in their life and my voting record will show the same thing. I loathe some humans too such as homeless willfully ignorant people and predators. I don't expect anyone to care for me anymore than I do them.


The assassin probably had a bad case of TDS and was egged on by the US MSM who has repeatedly attacked Trump and branded him as a threat to US democracy.

Most of the western world thinks that Trump is a threat to the world not only US democracy.

@Jolanta You are so full of it!!

@Trajan61 Of what exactly? How much do you know about the world outside the US? How well traveled are you to be able to say it?

@Jolanta I’ve traveled a lot outside the US.

@Trajan61 Tell me more about your travels please.


My thoughts exactly,it looked like something was off .

A stunt to make him look even more like a martyr to adoring MAGAts.

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