The below screenshot was from a post on some other site from some time ago, but think he raised a good point, one of which does not get brought up enough nowadays. Political polarization is really getting bad in my country, which each political side quick to demonize and dehumanize the perceived opposition. Small wonder why an attempted assassination on a former President occured, on a daily basis we're being fed propaganda that the "opposing view" wants to destroy democracy and or our very way of life, and that sort of thing can only go on for so long before someone reacts/lashes-out in a violent manner.
I'm not much of an optimist, and for the most part suspect social matters like that will only grow worse as time goes on, but I'd like to think what that guy below mentioned is really the case, as that sort of scenario would leave the door open for positive change to occur.
Would you agree with his sentiment, why or why not? I ask such as I'm actively trying to find viable longterm solutions to satisfy both sides in the culture wars, and at this point too much is at stake to simply ignore that or give up.
Neutral is considered a boring word. People don't have time for boring. Drama is exciting and sexy. People want to be entertained but they don't want the fallout that usually goes with it.
When there is conflict, all that is wanted is peace. When there is peace, they want entertainment and drama.
Yes I am sorry to say, that drama is what sells. So the media are in the theater business, especially so when the times are good. And in fact if you really think about it, things could not be much better in many ways, when did you last see a leper coming down the street ringing a bell, hear about mass starvation, or worry about stepping on a mine when you went to get water from the well ? Yet we want our daily dose of drama, and we don't want to make the effort to go to the theater. The people get the media that their failed education system helped them to deserve.