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I created this account because I am looking to network for the sake of starting a Non-profit with humanist values.

Looking for connections in:

sustainable Living
Android App Development
And general non-profit related connections.

Socrametheus 3 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Good luck with that.


I'm into all that!!!

Building tiny house communities and urban farming. For low income and homeless non profit. We actually can make a decent living on non profit

Healthy and affortable food, energy, housing and community living. .


And what is the product of this non-profit ?

All of this would be done through a minimum of 2 non-profit certifications, the first being a 501☕ 3

To Build The Path Forward To Better Human Flourishing Through Adherence Of Humanist Values With Emphasis On Community Service And Self-improvement.

Phase 1: Tracking community service for court orders and educational institutes via an app

Phase 2: When the app has a good level of use, charging the cities a small use fee to utilize the community service tracking system and using that fee for maintenancing and advancing the app.

Phase 3: Expanding the app to incentivise community service by rewarding community service with points and allowing people to exchange those points for digital products and services where the providers get tax benefits for donating these waiver codes to the non-profit.

Phase 4: Offering a payment plan option along side the free to use option for non-profits. If a non-profit chooses to go with a payment plan for using the app, the app will increase the points awarded for confirmed community service hours thus attracting more volunteers for that non-profit.

Phase 5: Save up excess funds after the maintenance and upkeep fees to fund the next aspect of the project: A communal guild for self-actualization and community service that would be intended to utilize research grants to further the field of sociology, psychology and sustainable living. For this purpose, the screening for membership would be extremely thorough and character/personality based. Members of this communal guild perform a minimum of 48 hours of community service per month in exchange for access to on site produced food, utilities, and housing. The structure would be much based on Maslow's Hierarchy of human needs as well as ancient epicurean communal model but with the population cap expanded based on Dunbar's number and quality of members ensured through strict character/personality screening as to ensure alignment with the mission and humanist values. Even a homeless person could gain membership so long as they pass the screening and are willing to do 48 hours of community service per month. To support this system financially, all path options will be utilized, not just grants and donations.

Phase 6: Educational And Cultural Embassy System. This would be a research system that explores and examines different cultures, norms, and educational standards from around the world and adopting them into an amalgamation based on sociological or economical benefits. One of the priorities would be creating a societal model that is survivalistically disadvantageous to holders of the traits belonging to narcissistic personality disorder while also favoring stoic standards for hatred, anger, and jealousy. The communal guild system would host debates and determine what all is utilized from this and adopt it as the official culture for the communal guild systems (Subject to change with new information). Later on a 501☕ 4 would be created to lobby for changes in the educational system based on the findings, as well as lobby for things such as net-metering for non-profit organizations and others that would improve viability for new locations for the communal guild system.

Phase 7: The guild will offer routes for the city government near it to classify any work done for them by the members of the guild as community service, pending that said work being done by the guild is able to save the city money needed to improve the city for the welfare of others in it even if said work requires training so long as they are willing to provide said training.

Phase 8: The guild will construct a strip mall through which to offer subsidized rent to businesses that are either relevant to the community, or upstart businesses that would otherwise struggle, especially businesses started by the members.

Phase 9: After the first communal guild is stabilized and has a minimum 0f 125 members who all passed the screening, we will permit someone to come in who has narcissistic personality disorder and thoroughly document the impact the community and its people has on the individual with narcissistic personality disorder. Due to social contagion theory and how neuroplasticity works along side what all humanist values are and where all they conflict with the traits of NPD while said traits are radically denormalized in the culture created, there is a possibility of such being a treatment path. There would of course be psychologists on site for this process both for the individual with NPD and for the other residents. People with other cluster B personality disorders will also be included in the same way.


I had to refuse the Goverment a homeless tiny house community village in Vancouver,. Because 75% of the clients had mental illnesses and I'm not equipment for that.

Couldn't work with narcissistic in relationship or Business, it's the worst mental illness to deal with.

So, I am out.

@Castlepaloma IMO OCD is worse particularly when connected with religion.

@Castlepaloma, @Socrametheus regarding 6 above & given the current example of how israeli Jews have been misusing their knowledge to bully the world into accepting their heinous genocide of non Jews in Israel I have to ask what safeguards will be in place to ensure that you do not create another genocidal society?

I suggest that you should be considering Cipollo's 5 basic laws of human #stupidity & aim for his definition of intelligence in everything that you do.

@Castlepaloma I agree in which is why I want to use my facility to see if it can be corrected. Personally I believe the world would be better off if they all died in their sleep, but I am not a violent person and magic isn't real, so because I still acknowledge them as a problem I want to explore a possible treatment that could in theory cure them. Sadly though, only one could be treated at a time if my theory is correct.

@FrayedBear I delight in your shared acknowledgement of that problem, hence why I include critical thinking skills in the character assessment as a concept of ascertain right from wrong that lack critical thinking skills is bound to become a problem. Critical thinking and character are linked when matters of right and wrong come into the picture.

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