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In the 1960s, other computer industry employees and I talked about AI, and what the computer industry’s founders were saying about AI.

Some of us got carried away and events in the real world brought us back. In the 1990s, I was about to retire and tutoring in a public high school when some people asked me what I thought of AI. I replied that we will know more about AI as we learn more about natural intelligence.

I want AI that with little cost will deal with questions such as “What should parents tell their children about life”, . . . Or better, “. . . About sex”.am I wanting too much?

yvilletom 8 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”

This lead to the first and universally unbreakable rule of the empire

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man's mind,"
Frank Herbert, Dune


Careful what you wish for.

Please be more specifii. What harms are you imagining?

@yvilletom I thought it was obvious. Someone would have to program AI to give specific answers to those personal questions of yours. Why would you trust those answers to be the best ones for you? Would you just do whatever the AI tells you to do? Thereby becoming its mental and emotional slave?

@Heraclitus Thanks for the added info..

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