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The only way to achieve peace ...

snytiger6 9 July 23

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And what is it we need to understand? During Einsteins time there was a major war going on. Now we are not only fighting ourselves but nature as well. I think it's a bit hard for 8 Billion+ of humans from different backgrounds and languages to understand one another.

It is much better to try to understand than to just get lazy and/or frustrated and choose violence to get one's way.

@snytiger6 Of course. Actually, at that (WWII) time there was a guy bicycling across Belgium. He thought there must be a better way to help people know and accept other cultures. He was from Bellingham, a big city north of Seattle. He created such a group and it is still around (I am a member and host). It's called SERVAS, international []
Unfortunately, what we really need to understand is that this planet and all the parts of it have what's known as a carrying capacity. We have overshot that critical restriction.

@pedigojr I remember in the 1970's there was a "zero population" movement, based on the idea that the ever increasing human population would outstrip our ability to feed everyone. Since 1970 the world population has more than doubled. The problem being that perpetual growth is primary to the economic model of capitalism. Although scientific advances have delayed negative impacts from the perpetual growth of human populations, I doubt they can do so indefinitely. At some point there will be a catastrophic collapse in economics and population.

If Trump gets elected as president, I'd say the collapse is a lot more likely to happen in my lifetime. (I am currently 61 years old).

@snytiger6 Actually the world population as more than doubled. Absolutely, our pro growth system is the source of all our (and other species) ills. A partner in a firm I once worked for once told me when he hears sustainable he thinks stagnation.


. . . or by going WAY OVER THEIR HEADS?

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