18 7

Well, I've reached the dizzy height of level 4.2 and have commented on several posts and sent them off but nothing has appeared on any of them! Why is that then?

ParryHotter 7 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I gotta go back to work!


So true!!!

Aint summer grand? 😉


Speak for yourself! 🙄🤣



Looks like fun. 🙂


We would never get any sleep!


I've been on this diet before!




I hate summer!


I've done that. 🙂

There was a period of time when I lived in Seattle and was very cash straped. There was an electrical problem with my car and a $5 part kept blowing out. The car would start and run find without it BUT the only way to start the car was parking on a slope and popping the clutch. Parking on a slope is NOT a problem in Seattle so that was what I did for about 3 months, which is how long it took to figure out the problem and find a decent paying job. During that period I was also driving with and expired drivers license, no car insurance and expired car tabs. I drove very carefully and avoided being in front of a cop car.


USA service providers not giving service.
You probably have to have it pass 15 layers of paranoia starting with Homeland Security & extending to Mossad before it's deemed to not be tourist or offensive to some genocidal woke jewish psychopath in Israel.

Well that got through -


You are not alone.

Betty Level 8 July 24, 2024

Can't give up.

Betty Level 8 July 24, 2024

Just keep going.

Betty Level 8 July 24, 2024

Don't get discouraged! On the bright side you can get into the sight and post! The one thing I have noticed is when I click on 'submit comment' if I do not wait for my comment to appear it gets 'lost'. The thing is sometimes it takes awhile before it goes through.
When I hit the submit comment option I will wait to see it show up under comments, then I will go to the next item of interest on this site.


head over to just for laughs for more


Lets go for points


Could the posts or groups you're commenting on have minimum level requirements above 4? Or that require approval? That's all I've got...

Lauren Level 8 July 24, 2024

I wish I could help you but I don't know what is wrong. Don't give up, there must be a solution. 🤗

Betty Level 8 July 24, 2024

Just like AA, you've got to work it if it's going to work, others can help, but you've got to put effort in yourself.

@glennlab That advise is in Al-Anon too.

@Betty I think it is basic to all self help programs

@glennlab Yes they are. 🙂

@glennlab I do, I do! That sounds a bit Woody Allen Mate! (;

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