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I oppose the death penalty. To murder someone to prove murder is wrong is hypocrisy and the ultimate unethical thing a human being can do.

Especially death PENALTY to atheist, gays and other minor offensive that offend other groups, just learn to live and let live.
Atheists and religious skeptics can be executed in at least thirteen nations: Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

About 10 countries have the death penalty for homosexauls.

Most US states has the death penalty. China has had 1/10th the death penalty carried out than the US. And Russia has done away with the death penalty and GMO foods, the healthy foods is like the true gods to me.

Whats your thoughts about the death penalty, do you oppose or support the death penalty.

Castlepaloma 8 July 25

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While I disagree with the death penalty in most cases, there are some (serial killers, mass murderers, terror attacks) where the evidence is so ironclad and the crime so horrific that nothing else is appropriate.

Still not appropriate to most of the worlds population stands. It be more appropriate to work labor them in prison for life and get something back to society. Criminals work harder than welfare bums.

Plus save alot of money , by not putting them to death.


I have a serious problem with feeding, housing, an offering counseling and "enrichment", no doubt for life, to the likes of Charlie Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer (thankfully dealt with by fellow inmates).
They are irredeemable and because of idiots on Parole Boards, who could believe they've been "saved" or whatever, represent a clear and present danger to the rest of us.
IMO Bu-bye!!!!!!

Those kind of murderers deserve life in prison , there more Christians in prison than any other group anyways. . And to work in prison for every once of freedom for society they can squeeze out of them, seems right and justify

It actually cost more money to sentence them to death than life in prison.

@Castlepaloma not if there was a finite number of appeals, and call BS on procedural stays, stick to the Facts Facts, reconsideration.


Annesty International
The death penalty violates human rights. The right to life and the right not to be subject to cruel or inhumane treatment or punishment are fundamental rights enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Death penalty case costs were counted through to execution (median cost $1.26 million). Non-death penalty case costs were counted through to the end of incarceration (median cost $740,000).Jun 26, 2023

Along with the department of Justice states it cost 70% more to sentence a person to death than life in prison.

International Annesty also oppose Gaza genocide where the US congress do 50 stand up clapping trained seals acts for Netanyahu who begs to finish the Palestinian off. What a tag team of mass murderous megalomics and phycopaths thugs.


People are not "murdered to PROVE murder is wrong."

Killing someone because of their gender and sexual orientation or because they don't believe in religious fairy tales is wrong, usually this is based on ignorance, fear, and hate. Executing dictators, insurrectionists, and cult leaders who kill because of ignorance, fear, and hate has been necessary throughout history.

Still death penalty to prove murder is wrong and it's hypocrisy.

More than 70% of the world's countries have abolished capital punishment in law or practice. The U.S. is an outlier among its close allies in its continued use of the death penalty.

Do agree mostly that religious groups are most responsible for death penalty, wars also against gays and atheist. As the wealthy abuse religion as a tool for more for them and less for us as it divides and conquers

@Castlepaloma People are not murdered to prove murder is wrong. They are executed because they are impenitent and remorseless for killing others and cannot be let out into society.


Since 1973, more than 8,700 people in the U.S. have been sent to death row. At least 182 weren’t guilty—their lives upended by a system that nearly killed or killed them.

Or maybe it was an accident. Many do remorse or regret their actions. George Bush set a world record for death penalty in death row. And God told him to kill a million Iraqis mostly women and children. Should George be put to death or is he above human rights and the ultimate law of murder? Good thing I didn't get murdered by Bush for refusing him a war sculpture. If your not with Bush your with the terrorist, I got off with my green card taken away. . Bring it on, he says.

Murder is the ultimate mental illness.

@Castlepaloma Your comments are just mishmash.


Not mishmash to me. US military Complex soldiers kills are 9 times out of 10, a murderer in a uniform. The justice system can not stop killing with killing or violence with violence, it can only increase it. US is an example of this in the west.


In general Canada has per capita half the crime than the US. And Europe has half the crimes than Canada. Only the US has capital punishment. Death penalty in the G7.

The complete ban on capital punishment is enshrined in both the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EU) and two widely adopted protocols of the European Convention on Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and is thus considered a central value.

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