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Who shot Trump?

Just a jewish Boy who outwitted the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA. With a 16' ladder, a tracker, backpack, a sloped roof and an AR Rifle…
If it was made into a movie you wouldn't believe it was based on a true story. . Question that remains, is whether this was a badly botched assassination attempt or a giant World Wide Entertainment PSYOP with a huge budget starring a WWE reality actor. My education guess it was a real assassination attempt, from adding up more clues . I doubt Iran could stage something like this.

First, an insane amount of stuff being put out by the mainstream media, as usual.

There may have not been a bullet at all – a dot on a photograph (looking like a UFO picture taken on a Nokia N95) which which apparantly the path of the bullet flying toward Trump. The photo was taken by none other than Doug Mills, who, SURPRISE, was also the guy who shot Bush’s moment in the classroom when he got the news of the planes crashing into the World Trade Centre on 9/11. Another fine acting moment. The bullet angle and trajectory was impossible..

Plus, the blatant incompetence of the SS in securing the perimeter and all its dangerous, slopey rooftops and somehow being in all the wrong places at all the wrong times is just hilarious, especially when the DIE director giving the orders is named CHEATLE and the shooter is CROOKS.

It may seem ridiculous, but to both the left and right-camp’s mind-controlled NPC’s who believe everything they’re told, it’s dead serious. Down to Trumpeans bandaging their ears like a 60’s cult, worshipping their newly selected under-leader, Zionist J.D. Vance at his Republican National Convention bar mitzvah.

“Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.Disconnecting someone from the Matrix is the only true way of being able to show them. Just keep repeating lies and the narrative will just blindly follow along.
. People hate to hear that their whole reality is just an illusion. I get that. The world is a digital simulation, a giant slave system ruled by robots or some evil super power?

And, even if you did believe it could you even begin to process what that truly meant?

Castlepaloma 8 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Can't help but think this will be one of those American stories that we'll never be told the truth about, with Cover Stories A, B, C and D, and a bunch of Col Nathan R Jessop types in command claiming ' the truth, you can't handle the truth'. In other words, another Yankee cover up, with anyone questioning the 'official story' called 'a conspiracy theorist'. The usual. And then they wonder why millions of Americans, not to mention the rest of us in the world, do not believe a word these American agencies say due to lack of accountability and transparency.

And on top of that I had to laugh out loud when I read recently that the CIA had to publicly state that they were not involved in the attempted assassination using methods from the 1960s MKULTRA brainwashing Project ( a period and subject I know well). Well, since the Central (alleged) Intelligence Agency never accepted responsibility or transparency for this hideous program, you can't blame people for wondering. I wouldn't trust the secret service, and I wouldn't trust the CIA on anything, given their history.

The cover stories will keep coming, I suspect.


Reminds me of Trump pro wrestling.
The battle of the billionaires

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