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Humanists UK
July 17 at 12:37 PM ·
'For a long time, non-religious MPs felt that they had to swear the oath... They thought people would judge them. They thought that people would think that non-religious people somehow didn't have morals...

'But now, for the first time, the House of Commons is beginning to look like the country it serves... with the 40% of MP taking the secular affirmation over the religious oath. We're one of the least religious societies, yet we have one of the most religious states...

'Our head of state, the monarch, has to be a member of the Church of England. 26 bishops, representatives of the of the national church, sit in our parliament, voting on our laws.'

'No other Western democracy has that a third of our state schools are run by religious groups at taxpayers expense, 100% funded by us. They can choose children on religious grounds, teach an unbalanced curriculum...'

Our Chief Executive Andrew Copson was on LBC recently to talk about the implications of having the most non-religious House of Commons of all time.

Mcfluwster 7 July 30

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