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What MAGA means to progressives ...

snytiger6 9 July 30

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He's toast. He was never more than a drunken uncle joke candidate to begin with, he only got as far as he did because Clinton didn't take him seriously and Biden was an utterly uninspiring candidate. Now he's facing a strong popular candidate with a massive groundswell of support behind her and he's rapidly being unmasked as the emperor with no clothes. Doesn't hurt that corporate America is done with his shenanigans. He can whine and lie and name call all he wants, it isn't going to work this time.

I hope you're right, but I'm not that impressed with Harris, and I never underestimate the underlying racism and sexism in white voters, including white women..

@TomMcGiverin Obama won twice. And you clearly don't know any white women. It's a sea change dude, if you're not behind her, please get out of the way.

@Druvius There are many white women who are either brainwashed by religion or who were indoctrinated as children, who believe that women should be subservient to men, and they will go to hell is they aren't. Sadly,, a man like Trump being in charge is, in their minds, the way god intended things to be.

@snytiger6 Agreed, and he is underestimating that thinking in our voting pool..

@snytiger6 He's down to his cult core, all independents and moderate republicans have fled. He's less popular than he ever was facing a very popular candidate, if she plays her cards right he's toast.

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