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My battle with Verizon to drop Fox News began today. I told Verizon customer service that I consider Fox News to be an obscenity, and I did not want it sent into my house (and I am being charged extra just for the "privilege" of receiving it). I asked the customer representative why I should be charged extra to receive obscene material, and he told me his supervisor would get back to me, lol! I am very serious about this, and I won't give up. Here is a petition from 2023. I'm not sure if it's still relevant, but Verizon has not yet dropped it.[] To be continued...

Organist1 8 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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An effort is being made by a group to get the FCC to disallow the companies license. Up to now it's been an easy get for Faux. I sat through a long and horrible video the site produced but then wrote them that Faux is not the problem it's a symptom of a bigger problem. ALso, any funding will not go to these causes, no matter how right they may be as we need funding to get a sane, strong and intelligent person as our president, Kamala fits that bill.

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