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Karl Marx was an ideological parasite and a professional unemployed person. Having an excellent education and a good mind, he never worked seriously anywhere in his life. Although he wrote a lot about the proletariat, he himself did not belong to them. Having the status of a journalist, philosopher, scientist, he was not really any of them.
While he was writing philosophical and political books and articles for communist magazines, at the same time he wrote plaintive letters to Friedrich Engels where he complained about his poverty, wrote that his children ate bread and water, that he had nothing to pay for housing, that there was no money for medicine, etc.
F. Engels, who was a friend of Marx, and part-time "golden youth" and the ungrateful son of his father - the richest capitalist and industrialist of Germany Friedrich Engels Sr., had to support Marx's impoverished family.
Karl Marx died in poverty.
But what ideas there were - not to work and live at the expense of plundering the wealth of capitalists.
Socialism is not an idea of ​​social equality, it is an ideology of universal poverty.

captfeelgood 7 Aug 4

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Everyone equally miserable, for a perceived collective good.

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