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Unfortunately some things may change suddenly in Trump-Vance favor by November:

Stock Market Meltdown
The stock market is wobbly. Inflation is under control but housing is expensive, interest rates are high and unemployment numbers can get worse. People really have not seen full blown yet is how technology will drive automation and job cuts in private sector. When it starts happening it will happen fast and we will only read the analysis in the history books of tomorrow. Automation of processes by AI is music to employers' ears. Payroll is the biggest overhead of any business and if business can achieve better efficiency with less people and save huge costs, all businesses will do it fast. It's already in the news that businesses are investing heavily in AI technology.

Heavy job cuts and high unemployment will do a huge damage do Democrats cause to keep the White House.

Anti-immigrant, Ant-Muslim Sentiment in Europe
London is burning, Germany banned the largest Shia organization, demolished the largest blue mosque, the Netherlands is talking about not allowing Islam and Muslim immigrants all together. If all this gets worse, Trump-Vance's white supremacist argument that we told you so gets a super boost. More Americans will be edge about immigration and back Trump-Vance.

Wars will Escalate
Natanyahu alone has the ability to raise anger and disappointment against Biden for not doing enough for victims and the vulnerable in Gaza. His progressive and rebel young Democrat voters will just sit this election out in protest. While this happens, Trump will just fan the flames and declare he is Israel's best friend and win more Jewish organizations' endorsements.

People have a fatigue of the Ukraine war. It is not winning and we've sunk billions into while our homeless, unemployed are increasing. The economy is under pressure by any sides. Any announcements of sending billions more to Ukraine will not go well with many Democrat voters, it will just motivate other voters to vote for Trump who they would thank will stop it.

Swift-boating Campaign Against Walz
The guy who led a successful swift boat campaign against John Kerry's military service is on Trump's campaign. I watched everyday how they sank Kerry's campaign in 2004. Kerry's team could not recover and give a rebuttal. They are now doing the same to Walz. His videos are being dug out. Some of the charges against Walz may stick, no matter how nice guy Walz is.

People are Forgetting Trump is a Convicted Felon
What happened to him being a very bad guy? He is on attack instead of being defensive. The media is not talking about court cases, his pending cases. GA case fell apart, FL case is thrown out, the NY verdict is on hold by the appeals court and Trump is as bad and down as he was in March.

Let's see. We saw how he slowly destroyed Hillary's campaign. He may do all such things possible to Harris-Walz campaign while we are too happy and confident that Harris-Walz ticket is far better than Trump-Vance. That's how we got a shock in 2016 with Trump's win. We were dismissive of him and too confident of us.

St-Sinner 9 Aug 9

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