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Who are the Palestinians olympic Paris?

At lease it was a place where Palestinians could wave their flag and not get arrested and jailed in their own Palestinians territories.

The joy of sports, religion and politics 👏🤑

Castlepaloma 8 Aug 10

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Each worth a million times the whole of the genocidal Jewish Israeli murderers comprising the Israeli team that should have been banned from competing.



I remember when the USSR was the bad guys,and at the time, they really were the bullies in the world. USSR olympic team were full time athletes because they all worked was for the military. Why not banned trained murderers from the Olympics. About 70% of countries in the world, they all agree with me of no capital death punishment. Which is fully in practice.

These religious war people take beyond an eye for an eye. US kills of brown people is a 1000 to one ratio.
Isreal from 75 years ago has taken a 20 to one kill racio to 40 to one since October 7th.

@Castlepaloma emoji is for the hypocrisy & disparity resulting on one rule for Jews one for Palestinians, ditto the Americans.

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