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A brief history of self regulation...

snytiger6 9 Aug 10

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How about the ads against self-regulation.
Remember these commercials:

Regulation = Bad
Greed = Good

I remember when the movie "Wall Street" first came out and Michael Douglas' character said "greed is good", at the time most people were shocked. However, over time conservative talking heads have convinced most Americans that greed is actually a positive force, when it used to be considered a "deadly sin".

Personally, I've come to the conclusion that it is nearly impossible to acheive one's ambitions in one's own lifetime without committing evil acts to achieve them. Riches, the idea of success in the U.S. is the ultimate goal, however it encourages people to do evil acts, fueled by greed, in order to achieve their ambitions of wealth.

@snytiger6 I wrote this in 2019:



Funny, how with all of the current regulations on the books we still continue to face difficulties with virtually all of the examples mentioned above, in particular the financial one. Companies and organizations are still polluting the environment despite the EPA's existence and there being multiple environmental protections laws. Personally, I don't think either regulation or self-regulation work, as humans will be humans.

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