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'Long Island Medium' Theresa Caputo is one of the most fake self centered (minor) celebrity in my book. I can't stand her and this article doesn't help.
It's so easy to come up with stories to say you help other people. (still find it funny that she did not see her divorce coming) []
which celebrity do you dislike?... I'll take notes.

Lukian 8 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I have no time for Charlatans like Theresa Caputo, John Edwards, the Warrens and the like, scamming money out of the bereaved and desperate.
I am reminded how Dixie Yeterian managed not to foresee how she was going to get herself shot by gangsters who believed her fake psychic detective act to such an extent that they saw her as a genuine threat.

I have some pity for the self-deluded parlour and church mediums that genuinely believe their subconscious ramblings are genuine spiritualist powers, but it does not go beyond pity.

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