Hi. I hope everyone is having a good day. Does anyone have a good diet plan?
Activity activity activity.
When work is busy and physical I lose pounds without trying.
I eat right too though. Very little meat, not much fried, cook my own and have never had a sweet tooth. But I like chocolate.
I've used myfitnesspal.com every day for the past two years. Lost 15 Lbs, which is a lot for me. But the main thing it did for me was to increase my awareness of what's in all the foods I eat. Kind of a perpetual dietary ingredient encyclopedia, since nearly any food you can name is already in their database, broken down by carbs, calories, protein, sugar, etc. A real eye opener. Salt in everything... sugar in everything... No more sugared sodas for me. Well, I sneak one but generally not. For me, this is all it took to get me eating better.
I told myself for two decades I was a stress eater. I learned about insulin resistance and the ketogenic diet paired with intermittent fasting. Has helped me lose 75 pounds the last year and more in sight.
Eat what you want when you feel hungry, stop eating when you feel full. Be active to your ‘normal’. Your body will sort it out. Contrived diets never work.
Your last sentence is 100% spot on.
Avoid processed foods. Especially processed sugars.
When foods are processed they reain calorie content, but lose nutritional content.
Your body feels hungry when it i slow on nutrients. If you eat processed foods high in calories, but low in nutrients, you will eat a lto mroe calories and end up getting fat.
hydrogenated oils are more unhealthy than natural saturated fats. So, avoid hydrogenated ils and foods. Hydrogenated mans "processed."
Be sure to eat a wide variety of foods consisting mostly of plants.We evolved as moderate meat eaters. Eating too much meat is unhealthy over the long term. You can go without eating meat entirely with no health issues, but if you go vegetarian, or vegan you should read up on it and read at least three different authors on the subject.
Also, if your body is unable to process some foods, consult a doctor before any major dietary changes. I ate vegetarian for a while, and my doctor recommended I take a B-complex supplement, because most people don't/won't eat a wide enough variety to get all the nutrients that their body needs.
The key challenge to diet isn't to regulate calories so much as it is to make sure you get adequate nutrients from the calories you consume.
Beware of "empty calories". Those are calories which have no real nutritional value. consumable alcohol is just "empty calories" with no nutritional value. Most soft drinks are also virtually "empty calories".
Empty calories means you have energy you need to burn off, but no nutrients to keep yoru body healthy in maintaining and building cells and tissues.
I agree with most of this. I avoid fruits because of the sugar contents. I load up on veggies like spinach and broccoli. Too much protein is not good, but a lot of fats, contrary to conventional wisdom, are good for you. The once demonized egg is one of the best foods ever. Sugar is the demon and processed carbs such as rice, bread, noodles, etc. are also bad. I avoid soft drinks, even diet. Beer is my kryptonite.
@flow Try to stay away from gimmicks. Food is just fuel. Calories for energy. If any one food or three or four foods (or their components) "burned fat," we'd all be our desired sizes, right?
Eat too much and you gain weight. Eat too little and you lose weight. For some reason I'm thinking of Goldilocks right now.
@GuyKeith I tend to think that avoid sugar in fruits is a bit much. With natural sugars it takes only two to three chemical steps for your body to make use of natural sugars. With processed sugars (including fruit syrups) it cn take anywhere from 6-12 chemical steps. Thsoe extra chemical steps use up nutrients yoru body would otherwise use to maintain health.
I don't eat a lot of fruits, but i don;t avoid them either.
We evolved to crave three tastes, which in a hunter gatherer society would help us get nutrients as they occur naturally in nature. Those tastes are sweet, salt and fat. Processed food makers "flavor" processed foods with those tastes, but processed foods lack nutrients.
Getting back to fruit, fruit has natural nutrients. it is simply worth any extra sugar to get those natural nutrients. Expecially when the kind of sugar is not hard on the body in making it useful.
@flow I don't beleive in "magic bullet" foods that burn calories. There are goods which re1uire less digestion and processing by your body in order to be useful to the body.
Eat nutritious foods to avoid weight gain. If you dotn'wnat ot starve yourself (diet) which really isn't healthy anyways, you have to exercise in order to lose weight. There are no short cuts.
Forget about vegan. The best thing you can do is to avoid as many carbs and sugar products as possible. Carbs and sugars are the enemy, not fats. Go Keto.
@germangirl90439 Of course I undermine my eating with my favorite Kryptonite, BEER which is, of course, the ultimate carb.
@germangirl90439 Love German beer if I can’t get English ale, but Czech beer is as good if not better. Don’t hit me, please ?
@germangirl90439 Budweiser! That crap from Milwaukee that’s infected the rest of the world? Not a chance. They can’t even call it beer in Germany and Austria because of the rice! RICE!!!!!! FFS!
Now then, the original Budweiser (Budvar) from Budweis (Budejovice) near Prague is a different story - nectar.
The Milwaukee folks tried for decades all over Europe to block the Czech company from using the word Budweiser for decades. Every single country where it was sold, one spurious case after another. They knew the wouldn’t win, they didn’t even sell their muck in Europe until the 90s, but it was a war of attrition - huge corporation costing a small brewery fortunes in legal fees. Eventually, the European court and national courts barred Anheuser-Butsch from bring any more actions against them. Bastards!
Staropramen is my fave though, followed by Budvar, then Zatec. Not fond of Pilsner Urquell though. I find it to be too bitter. Anything from Germany is drinkable to marvellous.
I do go on!
@germangirl90439 I have never cared for AB products, especially Bud and Michelob. If you are going to drink an American adjunct lawnmower beer, there are better choices, like Pabst and Miller High Life (gold can). My local store sells Miller for $17.99 a 30-pk. There are tons of great beers here in Ft. Collins, home of New Belgium Brewing.
@germangirl90439 No, not tried that one. I’ve tried a few variously flavoured beers, and liked none of them. I’m afraid that when it comes to beer, I’m strictly a water, malted barley, hops and yeast guy. I’ll stretch that point for wheat beer, but that’s it. ?
Depends what you are looking for. If you are looking for health and fitness but not necessarily weight-loss, there is lots of sensible diet advice about. If you are looking to change something in your life, like weight, or eating habits, I'm sure lots of us would be happy to share our experience.
@flow It sounds as if you get plenty of exercise with your job, but it is still a matter of calories in versus calories out. Would it be possible for you to write down absolutely everything you eat over a couple of days? It sounds as if you are a busy woman who doesn't have a lot of time to do calorie counting so if you message me with your list I will count it for you. Just writing it down may surprise you how much more you are eating than you think. Vegetarian, vegan, high-protein - all diet systems work - but you won't lose weight unless you find an eating plan you can stick to that reduces your overall intake.
@flow If you are not losing the weight you want to get rid of, your fitness pal is clearly not set right for your needs. Are you being absolutely honest about inputting everything that goes in your mouth? My experience is that people are not ignorant about nutrition - they know what they should be eating. The difficulty is usually the little extras that don't get counted or miscalculation of size of helpings.