Here's something interesting from my Merriam Webster daily email:
Did you know that there are 10 (count 'em! 10) words in the english language where the only vowel is a Y? Remember this is you're a scrabble aficionado. The words are:
Definitions and Pronunciations here: []
When I taught seated courses in composition, I would challenge students to a game of Hangman--I don't remember what the prize was. These were college courses, mind you. The word had four letters and each student had one turn--if they didn't get the by the last student, I won.
The word was always "lynx." They would go through all of the other vowels and then, set there blankly. Finally, a student would say "y," but that didn't help much as they went through commonly used letters before coming to "x." Sometimes, I won as the classes were 20 students on less. The point was for them to learn to think beyond the obvious.
According to Merriam-Webster:
This vowelless standout (not even a y!) is pronounced KOOM and refers to a deep steep-walled basin on a mountain usually forming the blunt end of a valley. It may only have 3 letters, but it will earn you at least 10 points.
I play Word Feud ( exactly like Scrabble but online) daily, thanks!!!!!
I play PILFER, and it's really a cutthroat game! Like scrabble on steroids!!
@TheoryNumber3 thanks for mentioning, I will have to give it a whirl!
Well, Rats, I just went to Play Store and it doesn't show up...where do i look?
All kinds of other games there too
@annewimsey500 There also an app under Merriam Webster games