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There is a singular pleasure in annoying the crap out of aggressive, willfully ignorant and willfully stupid religious people who imagine they are far smarter than they actually are.

anglophone 9 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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You have to remember that for 3 centuries the proof of god consisted of:
What is more perfect a piece of furniture or the idea of that furniture. It is the furniture, because in that furniture you have not only the idea of the furniture, but the manifestation of it; therefore, since god is perfect, he must be real.


The key for me is to control the language, or at least prevent the religious from language manipulation which they do in order both to fool themselves and others. I do this intentionally. A simple example is never allowing a mono theist like a Christian to say the word God undefined. I insist they say 'my god', to force them to confront the reality that they choose to believe in one god rejecting all others, usually the one they were born into. This annoys the bejesus out of them. Control the language and you neutralize their use of bad history, invented mythology, absurb theology, unproven supernatural claims, and emotional blackmail and fear - - the basis of all religious arguments.

Yes it is a common trick of theirs, to define god in the vaguest possible deistic terms, as something like the possibility of a greater intelligence behind the universe. And then ask for a disproof of its existence, which if it is not given, then, that is they claim proof of their god. At least two logical fallacies in one. First that lack of disproof is the same thing as proof, and then the giant leap, from some vague philosophic proof of a vague deist god, directly to their personal religious god without stopping for breath. Yet sadly of course, those who want to be fooled, will lap it up, and certainly will do everything they can to keep themselves blind to all logical faults.

And boy is it amazing how the apologists, can decorate, elaborate and complicated that simple, very old, argument and its obvious faults to make it look like something new.


I hear them ramble and ramble on about it! 🙄🙄🙄🙄

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