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I put this here as population demographics (despite some people’s denial of this fact) is a science. It relies on tons of studies and seeks to separate truth (reason) from emotion (mostly fiction). I know most don’t want to read anything about overpopulation (and there are a few here that seek to blame the developed countries for the ills of the undeveloped countries). We need to be aware, this topic is now forming the basis of our politics and not for the better. Being ignorant on this, perhaps the most critical item of our day, only exacerbates this problem!

”How does an overly generous definition of climate refugees help? It is more likely to exacerbate the situation, by indoctrinating people to believe their hardships are entirely the fault of rich countries and not of their own cultural practices and domestic politics.
Mass migrations throughout history have been driven by overpopulation in the sending region and have been disastrous for residents of the receiving region. Not only indigenous peoples in the Americas and Australia, but African tribes mowed down by the Zulu expansion, central Europeans decimated by the Mongol hoards, and any number of other expansionist pushes. It is bewildering that the same people who extol open borders simultaneously decry colonialism."

This item is about a new book that tries to wade the middle ground but, as so much else with this issue, fails to see a bigger picture.
I noted an interesting comment from an Italian woman, gaiabaracetti, who has, herself written item for the group. ”Also, someone should start pointing out that all colonialism begins with migration (and often trade). It baffles me that one can support the Palestinians, the Native Americans, the Aboriginals, and all the other victims of European expansionism, but forget that the conquerors and colonizers were initially welcomed as migrants. They were just as needy and desperate as the current refugees are – but then there were so many that the balance of power turned. It doesn’t take long to go from “please take us in, please share this land with us” to “it’s all ours now, accept it or leave.”
Even the Barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire began as migrations. The Romans thought they would be able to manage them well… until they weren’t.”

pedigojr 6 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Not quite regarding Australia. The British declared us "terra nullius" which means unoccupied land. They denied Australian Aboriginals were people. There was no treaty. The year of my birth, 1967, was when Aboriginal people were allowed to vote and stopped being counted on the wildlife list during our national census.
Terra Nullius was finally overturned by our supreme court in a case bought forward by a Torres Strait islander named Mabo in 1992. []

Regarding your topic, unmanaged migration makes town planning a nightmare. You can't plan ahead for new schools, hospitals and other infrastructure.

puff Level 8 Sep 3, 2024

"counted on the wildlife list?" WILDLIFE LIST?

@pamagain Yep, pretty wild isn't it? White Australia was worse than Sth Africa. When I worked on the communities some absolutely horrible stories, first hand accounts from elders, were relayed to me what the missionaries used to get up to. Too gross to relay here. We are not taught this in school.

@puff It's the ''superior white-ness'' behavior. Of course, it was here, too and of course, much of it was too horrible to contemplate and of course, there's great resistance to teaching about it! Let's just sweep it under the rug and fuggedaboudd it!

@pamagain I would add the behaviour of colonists and we see it again today in Gaza.

@puff Agreed.

@pamagain I find it quite ironic that if you are against white privilege then BRICS is the way forward. Because the "West" aka Western European culture are the white supremacists.
The real irony? I am part of this West so any war between BRICS nations and the "West" will mean I am on the wrong side. And I don't think maintaining this Western dominance is worth fighting for.

@puff BRICS???

@pamagain BRICS is an economic block created to establish a law based world order as opposed to the US rule based world order. They aim is to displace the $USD as world default currency and instead trade in local currencies. The US weaponising their currency via sanctions is what created it.
The US cutting off Russia from SWIFT, the international currency exchange system where every single transaction gets converted to $USD in the process (so they get a cut) freaked every country out. Very simply "If they can do it to Russia, they can do it to us". Many countries have been running to BRICS ever since, selling their US bonds and armouring themselves against US influence/ sanctions.

It is all totally self inflicted by the Biden admin, a massive shot in their own foot weaponising SWIFT.
If interested, plenty of info about BRICS. Wouldn't look at our media though, they hardly report anything about it. BRICS stands for Brazil Russia India China Sth Africa, the founding members. They are now the economic powerhouse, overtaking the G7 and G20 countries.
A law based order is attractive to many, far more than a US rules based order. The division has been made clearer by who supports Israel, convincing fence sitting nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey which way to go.

You should be able to if people got it into their heads all these things are because of unplanned population growth.


And what will happen when the folks in the Florida Keys and other offshore islands, low-lying land along coasts, etc are banging on the doors here because their homes are underwater? They're US...where do we put them? Forget tribalism...where will we put our families?

Cause and effect and it will only get worse as our population continues to rise exponentially. All our environmental issues are anthropogenic. Funny thing is, because of rising home prices the areas most impacted by CC are those areas people often move to.

@pedigojr Of course. But my question is serious.,.,what will happen when millions of US citizens are pounding on the doors because their homes are under water? Isn't it time to begin planning?

@pamagain No one knows what will happen in the future. However, some of us try to look ahead and mitigate any future problems. When one moves to an area that has a history of storms the onus is on them. We should not be responsible for others failings. Yes, bad things can and do happen to people who try and plan ahead. A recent case you are describing was the fires in California where hundreds were left homeless. The way I see it we are responsible for our own citizens not the rest of the world. Taking in millions (the number is approx 2 million a year) of people from other countries will only make things harder for us. Most of us agree we should not be the worlds policeman but, we must also not be the world's social workers. We have enough problems at home.


It's ours take it or leave it crowd is a sub branch of the trump family.

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