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Scientists Discover ‘Off Switch’ to ‘Reverse’ Covid Vaccines

1patriot 8 Sep 9

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Sounds promising, but let's learn from covid.
Freely given consent is needed, informed consent which means they must know this is a new medicine and they may join this trial with the understanding they may be given a placebo. No coercion, no BS.

Secondly FFS lets have proper trials on this one. After 5 years of data has been collected and analysed and peer reviewed by independent scientists, let it rip on the public if they freely choose to have it.

If people die because medical science has learnt and does thorough testing this time, so be it. Life is not fair. People can always join the trials if they want to.

puff Level 8 Sep 10, 2024

Dr. Peter McCullough is heading it u he spoke up right away about the dangers of the C-19. the problem is for many it can't wait 5-10 years. i just lost a friend and neighbour this week jabbed 3 years ago heart attack they say....

@1patriot That is the tragedy of coercion and taking away of consent through mandates. People could not inform themselves because so much was suppressed. Sorry to hear about your Neighbour.
Like I said, if some want to try this medicine join the trials with the understanding there is no long term data available yet on this new medical treatment. Their choice and if they consent, none of anyone else's business. Especially government.

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