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I am NO going to publish this in a Philosophy Group. Because Kant is the only philosopher I have studied in depth I want to know whether to study more of them

No long, boring answers , Just yes or no will no but keep all brief . Kant explanation of whether gods exist.

does it satisfy you?

Mcfluwster 7 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Epicurus is a good old staple! . thanks for video


A little taster.



Betty Level 8 Sep 12, 2024

so posting 5 times does not merit extra credit.


Second question. As far as it goes, it is more than satisfying to me, but then I never really wanted an answer to does god exist or not. Happy agnostic. The only problem is of course, that theists will then immediately say, well that does not disprove god, so my specific god does exist. Which is not logical, but that is why you go to philosophers not theists for logic.

The issue I have with the explanation is... We have ways to interpret digital and radio waves. In the same way that we have to interpret other languages.

God/s exists in the imagination of those who want the fantasy. For the rest of us, it is just pure nonsense.


First question. Epicurus. ( The ultimate atheists philosopher. Gives perhaps the best answers to how and why can you live well without a god given purpose. Sadly you can not read the originals which are lost, but have to make do with commentaries from people like Lucretius ) Sorry this is more than a yes/no answer.

But good thoughts and advice nevertheless.

From the video Epicurius

Death is nothing for us .For what has been dissolved has no sense experience for us

and what has no sense experience is nothing to us

@Mcfluwster He also said. " I was dead before I was born, and it was no inconvenience to me."
And something a bit like your Kant quote, he said. "If the gods exist, then they exist in a state of perfection, which means that they can never touch our world. Because if perfection touches imperfection, then it ceases to be perfect. So the gods have nothing for us. "

@Fernapple I can see the arguement but
"Because if perfection touches imperfection,"
means nothing in real life to me.

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