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Mary Anning unearthed ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 12

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Very true. Although I have a slight issue with the. "Male dominated field." Since she made money from the sale of the fossils she unearthed, and in those days the only, and few, fossil hunters were wealthy amateurs. So you should perhaps say that she was, at least, one of the first in the field, and created it, before her, it hardly existed to be dominated by anyone.

At that time such "hobbies", such as fossil hunting, were limited primarily to men. Women were very seldom allowed to pursue such ventures. If they were allowed, then it was because they were (almost always) wealthy and it was attributed to eccentricity, and not an actual intellectual pursuit.

@snytiger6 No my point was that for her it was not a hobby, and even then there were few men in the hobby, she really did start it from scratch.

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