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These dudes are common at my place. The backyard in this clip looks very similar to mine. Cool.
The Coastal Taipan. Seen one today just as long, but a lot fatter (why I'm posting). Gorgeous colouring on the sides/ underneath.

puff 8 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Holy crap.

As you know there’s no snakes in NZ.

Plus there’s a complete ban on snakes in New Zealand, including importing them, even for zoos.

I never saw a snake in the wild in 22 years when living in the uk. They’re obviously pretty shy there.

When I first met the outlaws in Thailand, they were trying to scare me about snakes. I felt like crocodile Dundee eg "You call that a snake?" Kangaroo Island is littered with Tiger snakes.


Oh FFS goodness me shit, weed, grass, pot: recognised your place immediately.

For medicinal purposes only of course.


Someone's doctored his music feed.

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