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Judging things is the lowest form of human thought. Recognizing our own judgments and stopping them is one of the highest forms of human thought. Research supports this, as studies show that judgmental thinking often stems from biases and automatic reactions, while recognizing and letting go of judgments is linked to mindfulness, emotional regulation, and higher cognitive processes like empathy and self-awareness.

Drank_Spear 7 Sep 13

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How can you be empathic of a person or people needing empathy unless you judge the perpetrators of the deeds that leave victims in need of empathy?

This sounds like Sam Harris philosophy - let Israel be one state with no Muslim inhabitants because they are animals or at best barbarians fit only for stone age living.


To judge others you must first judge yourself, and most of us judge ourselves as pretty bloody good. Things are different is all. Variety is the spice of life.

puff Level 8 Sep 13, 2024
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