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Man, how cool is that!

Ryo1 8 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Cheaper than motor vehicles but probably not needed for much crowd control. Definitely no good in high speed pursuits unles the perp is on crutches or missing a leg & hopping.

With a top speed of thirty miles an hour, high-speed chases are out of the question. They would however be quite intimidating in tense situations. I wouldn't argue with those horns. 😉

@Betty 😁

@Betty @FrayedBear

Don't forget a much wider perspective of an area from an elevated position when saddled up.

@Ryo1 Something that I always enjoyed when driving my vardi - a converted Bedford bus.


Buffalo Soldiers

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 22, 2024

Men and their toys. 😂

Betty Level 8 Sep 22, 2024
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