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Beja Portugal. A nice surprise. Arabic influenced architecture a beautiful castle and scenery. Also a region with great food and wine. I advise you to check it out if you're visiting my beloved Portugal.

Paddypereira 7 Sep 26

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I just love Portugal.

Someday, you'll have to visit better. At the moment, I'm enjoying the calm pace of Alentejo. Great food and wine in this region.

@Paddypereira "Just" in this sense means, love a lot, it a quirk of English to sometimes use the diminutive to mean the maximum.

I have only been to the south, to, Alvor, Tavira and Mertola, and twice to Madiera, but it was always wonderful.

@Fernapple, I know what "just love " means, I use that expression a lot. I advise you to visit Lisbon, Sintra, Coimbra, Porto, Guimaraes and Braga. Lisbon, beautiful city. Sintra, World Heritage town. Coimbra, where our first University was opened. Porto, beautiful, great atmosphere. Guimaraes, small but very beautiful, where Portugal was born. Braga, rival city of Guimaraes is also worth checking out. Evora is another nice place to visit.

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