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One group playing dress up ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 27

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To be fair the Catholics wear that attire everyday whereas drag queens really do play dress up on occasion, usually for material gain.
Sexual dysphoria is a thing but drag queens can fuck off, they are the same as clowns. No discrimination there at all.
Dress up if you wish but don't insist on respect for your theatre, I'll save my respect for those who have to live their whole lives in what they feel is the wrong biological makeup.

puff Level 8 Sep 27, 2024

Most drag queens I've met don't do it for material gain, but are more hobbyists. I've actually dated a few drag queens, not because of how they dress(ed), but simply because they are fun and interesting people and I find androgyny in general to be attractive. Although most of the men I've dated were not drag queens. I don't judge person by what they wear.

@snytiger6 I like the word hobbyist as that describes the practice perfectly.

@puff One of my favorite Monty Python bits was about a transvestite...

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