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This is one of the BEEESSSST things I've watched in a long time. If you're one of those self hating white (racist) people, you should just skip this vid. You're not going to like it. 😏 And if you're one of those on here that just likes to post some derogatory BS because I'm not some radical leftist, you should know, when ever I see your name post a response, I keep scrolling and never even read it. Just so you know. 😎👍 But hey, if that's how you get your jollies, by all means, go ahead. No skin off my back. In fact my girlfriend and I were laughing about it the other day and decided every time we see one of your names on here we would take a shot and have sex. 😁🍺 So BRING IT ON! Make our day! Now, on with the show. 😊

Captnfeelgood 5 Sep 30

Enjoy being online again!

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A comedy documentary from the right that mocks racism. Not really shocking. Conservatives hate being called out for their racism. By showing these anti-racist people as complete morons (and some probably are) the conservatives want to make it seem as if the left is over-blowing the issue of racism on the US.

Sure, some people see a problem and grossly overcompensate and do so very poorly. But none of this means that racism isn't a real and extremely problematic issue in the US.

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