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Trump's Response When He Learned Pence's Life Was in Danger on Jan. 6: "So What?"

Prosecutors in the Jan. 6-related case against the former president laid out the evidence against him in a now-unsealed 165-page brief.

When Donald Trump was told by a White House aide that his own vice president, Mike Pence, had to be evacuated from the Senate on Jan. 6, 2021, for his own safety following an inflammatory tweet from Trump, the former president had but a two-word response: “So what?”


nogod4me 8 Oct 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump is a spoiled entitled man-child that never learned self control. The republicans are the parents that give in to his tantrums.

Betty Level 8 Oct 3, 2024

To bad they refuse to change his diaper.


Seems absolutely believable, a person with no morals or compass could never appreciate or value Pence...not someone I like or trust but I recognize his inner commitment to his beliefs.

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