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New Survey Proves Trump Supporters are Genuinely Stupid

nogod4me 8 Oct 14

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Really! What was their first hint?
DUH!!! The number of the willfully ignorant and the stupid is in the millions. It has been obvious for years, like after the last election when almost 74 million people voted for him.
DUH again!!!

It's all about the bell-shaped curve. Also, the three people I knew in high school who are now trumpanzees have personality disorders. They're all former drug addicts, and one sustained a traumatic brain injury.

@Organist1 That doesn't explain 74 million people.

@Sticks48 The bell-shaped curve could explain a lot more than that, since by definition, half of all people are below average in intelligence.

@Organist1 True.


Not like Harris supporters who believe intelligence can be determined through a survey. Would love to see a thoughtful piece on why these Harris supporters support her, without mentioning Trump or Russia. I will be waiting awhile.

puff Level 8 Oct 14, 2024

How stupid, she is running against a convicted felon, rapist, fascist, un-American, dictator-wannabe. That cannot be ignored. However, her decency, compassion, competency, experience, and communication skills alone have diminished Trump far more than he has done so to himself. Her successes cannot be compared to the prolific loser Trump who shits in a diaper because of drug addiction and slurs, spews nonsense, and rambles because he is almost brain dead. It takes a special kind of stupid to be a Trump supporter.


@nogod4me Still waiting. Thanks for proving my point with that rant full of bile.

@puff. Evidently, you don't read. You're such a childish idiot, thanks for proving that point.

@nogod4me Would love to see a thoughtful piece on why these Harris supporters support her, without mentioning Trump or Russia

@puff I've already posted a link that explains why Harris supporters support her.


Take your finger and click on the active link.That will open a new page with the information of why Harris supporters support her. Because you are insecure, you can disregard any comments about Trump and Russia.

@nogod4me How thoughtful and articulate of you, cut and pasting a link. Lets see what the 5 big points are shall we?

  1. A calm, steady leader. How do you know? What has she led? All I know is she has trouble retaining staff, which does not bode well for good leadership. What are your thoughts, in your own words?
  2. A reproductive rights advocate. So is Trump. He accepts the SCOTUS position which decreed the issue is not a Federal issue but an issue for individual states to decide. What are your thoughts, in your own words?
  3. A health care defender. What the fuck does that mean? What are your thoughts, in your own words?
  4. A unifier. Bahahahahaha. What are your thoughts, in your own words?
  5. A Step forward. How? What are your thoughts, in your own words?

If you never mentioned Trump or Russia when assigning America's ills, you would post nothing.

@puff You are a believer, your willful ignorance will not allow you to accept any information offered. You are a waste of time. I agree with the article, I don't need to write anything more. Your cult-like ignorance would reject it anyway, just as you have done. No one can help you with your ignorance and stupidity because you embrace it so fully. You are not trying to learn anything. You already know how reprehensible Trump is that is why you are trying to exclude him from the conversation.

No amount of logic can shatter a faith consciously based on a lie, and you aggressively believe or at least push Trump's lies.

@nogod4me Would love to see a thoughtful piece on why these Harris supporters support her, without mentioning Trump or Russia.

@puff That’s your problem, I just explained it to you. You cannot accept anything inspiring thought because you don't think. You believe. You won't accept any answer because you really don't care about an answer, you just want to hold on to and push your beliefs no matter how much evidence is against what you believe.

You are a believer, your willful ignorance will not allow you to accept any information offered. You are a waste of time. I agree with the article, I don't need to write anything more. Your cult-like ignorance would reject it anyway, just as you have done. No one can help you with your ignorance and stupidity because you embrace it so fully. You are not trying to learn anything. You already know how reprehensible Trump is that is why you are trying to exclude him from the conversation.

No amount of logic can shatter a faith consciously based on a lie, and you aggressively believe or at least push Trump's lies.

@nogod4me Would love to see a thoughtful piece on why these Harris supporters support her, without mentioning Trump or Russia

@puff Stop whining, you are embarrassing enough.

@nogod4me you seem to have a belief that Harris will do something. Have you produced the evidence that she will? She's done nothing other than support genocide Joe.

@FrayedBear Have you produced the evidence that she won't? She hasn't even become President yet and you have already judged and condemned her. How very Trumpian of you. You prove Trump supporters are stupid.


Measured against Professor Cipollo's 5 basic laws of human #stupidity it appears that most US citizens are stupid.

Stubbornly embracing belief without evidence proliferates ignorance. Cultists, conspiracy theorists, True Believers, etc, all originate from belief rejecting evidence and knowledge.

@nogod4me your reply simply proves that you neither know #stupidity nor its opposite intelligence.

@FrayedBear And your reply simply proves you don't read. Any country that embraces belief over evidence will deteriorate into ignorance and stupidity.

@nogod4me as with Israel & its psycopathic settlers & IDF m I quite agree with you there.
And of course we've been watching the same happen in America for several hundred years.

@FrayedBear Okay, okay, we get it. You hate Trump, you despise Biden, Kamala, America, and Israel but love Russian propaganda. We get it already.

Stupidity it not limited to specific countries. Every country has its share.

@nogod4me very true. Putin should have saved 600,000 +Russian lives by simply nuking Kiev 2½ years ago.

@FrayedBear Finally, you admit that you are a Putin stooge. We could all see it, advocating for nuclear weapons to kill even the innocent, how very Putinesque of you.

@nogod4me what level of #stupidity is required to make your comment?
Putin didn't copy you Americans nuking of Nagasaki & Hiroshima by nuking Kiev. So how can you claim that I'm Putinesque?
Yours is the country that has caused the genocide of over 1million Russians & ukrainians through fostering the 2014 regime change in Kiev in order to cause the conflict that the US with its NATO allies has continued to fuel with funds, mercenaries & munitions.

@FrayedBear Calm down Putin and stop threatening nuclear war.


@nogod4me you use a puppet of US propaganda to to make your point. FFS do lift your game.

@FrayedBear Oh Putin, you are so silly.

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