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@Diaco I cannot read your response in the Senate because when I try, it goes to the community guidelines page. (Did you say something stupid or disrespectful? lol)

KateOahu 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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No! 😀 IDK, today its the 4th post that I can't see and redirecting to the About page!

Diaco Level 7 Oct 17, 2024

So today, the entire post redirects to the guidelines page. I am getting tired of the bs here.

@KateOahu You are not alone. IDK how long we can continue like this, sadly every day we're losing active members, just because of these issues.


The same thing happened when I tried to read the response.

Good to know. I think I might have figured this out. Maybe AI is moderating and certain words will cause posts/responses to be delayed, as when you see FUTURE and a scheduled publication date and time. Bet we can see it tomorrow.

@KateOahu That's interesting! I wondered why the word FUTURE kept showing up on my posts.

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