**No pics to show here. You Rubes aren't qualitatively different than the 'playground nanner', ear wagging fundamentalist bags of hammers that you so enthusiastically ridicule!
Different names and identities? ABSOLUTELY! Lables are meaningless when those so designated are functionally the antithesis of what they (dubiously) claim to be. What happens is what is. You here, by and large, happen to be as juvenile and closed-off as any group of evengelistic morons I've ever seen! It IS, however, delicious comedy!'**
Unusually I hardly understand a word of what you wrote. Can you elucidate\ translate so that I can understand you?
I paragraphed and removed the 'u' from ridicule.. If it's a struggle, consider just ignoring it and moving on.
@Silver1wun hmmm?
Rubes = country bumkins
Nanner = banana
Bag of hammers = stupid
Your 2nd paragraph - yes.
@Silver1wun Shahid Bolsen's observations in "Shahid Bolsen opens a very unexposed opinion on the Middle East conflict that points to ..." very much condense into your favourite question of "follow the money".