People react: More than 50% of New Zealanders are non-religious.
Once at the heart of communities, churches are now plagued by disaffection. But is a new public spirituality growing in their place? Federico Magrin reports.
The deep Christian roots of New Zealand are disappearing, new census results show.
Aotearoa is becoming a more secular country as more Kiwis abandon the church.
Census 2023 data reveals that more than half of the population does not affiliate with any religion, for the first time since records began. The previous census, in 2018, put the figure at 48.59% non-religious.
However, University of Canterbury professor of sociology Michael Grimshaw said the country was not turning to pure atheism or rationalism – it was discovering its own civil spirituality, with elements such as Māori tikanga, and environmentalism values.
Grimshaw grew up going to church and was raised on religious values, as his father was a Presbyterian minister.
“I was brought up within that framework, but I also understand how that framework has disappeared,” he said.
The weakening of institutional religion was part of the story of modernity in Western countries, Grimshaw said, as people embraced more rational and scientific beliefs.
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This is happening all over the world. In the US the number of nones (no religious affiliation) is now 33%. The main issue is that as the churches empty, and the empty churches are often re-purposed (one interesting church here is now a home) the leaders are becoming desperate. They are willing to go outside their dogmatic ideals and support such despicable entities ad tRump. Violence and hate is now the norm for many religious groups which is actually turning people away and only exacerbates the flight away from religion.
In the UK of course, membership, even nominal membership, of the Church of England dropped below 50% a long time ago. Yet C.of E. is still the established state religion, even though it does not have a majority any more. People voted with their feet, but politics of course is deaf, and can not hear footfalls.
At least Christians in Britain are not violent. I don't know what it is like in your neighbourhood, but in mine, my Christian neighbours, including the vicar down the road, never try to persuade me to go to church or anything. I may be wrong but there is usually kinda protocol among people in Britain that religion is a personal thing and therefore should be kept to oneself.
It is well-documented that humans are hardwired to believe in something, let it be religion, ideology, etc., etc. There will always be new religions created by humans, I reckon.