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Possible new motto for the Christian right ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 16

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It not funny when its true


And my latest post to World Music a new song on a very topical subject composed by American David Rovics has just been given the great wall of death link to the community standards page. The post of Rovics song "Amsterdam" commences with a striking first verse -
"The genocide had been going for over a year
When Maccabi Tel Aviv’s supporters flew here
In their thousands they came, in their typical style
Chanting racist bile
“There are no schools in Gaza cuz we killed all the kids”
Did the hooligans chant that? Indeed, they did
In the center of town they went on the offense
If people respond, that might make sense
Unless the thugs are Jewish, then truth's on the lam
In Amsterdam" David Rovics
You can read the remainder of his excellent lyrics on his substack link below.

As he states "Pretty much the entire mainstream western media completely distorted what actually went on, unlike this song."

Enjoy -



Being a non believer is close to the same, without the guilt.




This isn’t new. It’s part of the biblical history.

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