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Who is obsessed with time, too much time , too little time etc...I had an obsession with watches, Love them all..I have a vast collection of watches...but now I am semi retired I find less use for them now, forget to wear them, less worried now that I don't have to be up at a specific time, to be honest it is quite cleansing, but at one point had to be at places for a certain time...was this just me or do other people have the same thing...

James121 7 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Gave up on watches years ago.


Holy Basil! I have been so consumed with time my whole life. I blame my mother for that! I am currently considering semi-retirement and the one thing that I look forward to the most is not having to be somewhere or having to do something to a clock every day of my life. My body clock is so fine tuned to time that I can, for the most part, tell you what the time is without looking at a time piece.....may be off by a few minutes.....but usually pretty accurate. I havnt woken up to an alarm clock in years.


If you haven't made a watch, you aren't as obsessed as some. Watch "The Watch Maker's Apprentice." Then, on a scale of 1-10 rate how obsessed you are.


I haven't owned a watch for years. I do need to know the time to keep schedules but have clocks on phone, vehicles, appliances, electronics, that's more than enough.


I'm not obsessed with time per se, but of wasting my life. I dread my birthdays.

The dreaded birthday events.....who the feck is obsessed with how old you are now...The older you get the more mature you come.....sorry went through a phase there that the older you are the calmer you become, the more domestic you become....the old man effect does not apply to


I'm also obsessed with time, specifically time travel and space time. I have come to a realization that time is irrelevant and it flows just like water in a river. It can be slowed, speed up, even stopped. Of course we do not have the technology yet to alter it but we do know that the faster you move the slower time around you, or the greater the mass of on object the slower time moves around it, just like water hitting a rock in the metaphorical river. There is no universal measurement for time as it flows differently throughout the universe, we have created our own measurement of time based on the way our brains see this world. Another example I make is an adrenaline rush our brains will slow time down if you have ever been in a fight it may last 1-2 minutes but during your rush it will feel a lot longer, the same time has expired for you and anyone watching but the perception of it differs. We can view into the past by looking at stars and can view into the future if we could travel just shy of the speed of light, the past, present, and future are happening simultaneously that's I believe "time" to be irrelevant.


I must have a clock in every room. Including the bathroom. If I forget my watch, I experience pretty significant discomfort.

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