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天将降大任于斯人也 必先苦其心志 劳其筋骨 饿其体肤 空乏其身 行拂乱其所为 所以动心忍性 曾益其所不能。

It's Mengzi's philosophy about how to succeed.
If you are destined to succeed, you would meet many difficulties.
You will go through the pain,be poor,be very exhausted, be very starving and be distracted.
It can temper your willpower and correct your attitude.You will be more powerful.
Then,if you overcome those, you will be the best and be the person what you like!
Mengzi think the chances that make you successful are difficulties.
When you meet difficulties,you'll be close to succeed.
You just need to overcome them.
So,when you get into trouble,you should not give up.
On the contrary,you should struggle against difficulties.
(I'm not very good at English.So some words may be used incorrectly.If you discover any mistake, Please let me know, I will correct asap.)

Lee_Tongzhou 3 May 10

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1 comment

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That's beautiful, Tongzhou.
And you're words are just fine. ?

Emme Level 7 May 10, 2018
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