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My friend is questioning her faith
My former secretary was raised in an AME church and now attends a “bible based church” we had a relationship at one time but it didn’t work because of the religious lens through which she viewed everything. She calls me today to ask questions about a discussion she had with a godless and moral person. She is now questioning the Bible, religion in general and her faith. I sent her the following vid and am looking to help her with a gentle awakening. Any suggestions for info sources? Thanks

Markus 7 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you so very much, I watched the entire thing and forgot I was still on this site. The video is academic and well put.
As a fan of this well developed history encapsulation, I have to say this is the very best I have ever watched, This is the real truth I now accept.

EMC2 Level 8 May 13, 2018

Yes that was a powerful summary tracing religion back to sun worship. “Astrotheology”.


Bill Maher's movie Religulous is good. She might like it as he asks very simple questions and there really aren't any believable solid answers. Give it a try. ?


Very good informative video!! I only wish this could be shown in all public schools!!!!!!


Remember brother... something shook her up to make her question her faith. I was a mess for awhile myself. Its burnt into your brain. All the threts of not being a Christian can give you PTS.

For sure


Google "Bible contradictions".


The documentary Zeitgeist I don't have the link right now..but it's on Utube. That may help.

Dawkins and Hitchens might be a little too harsh for her to digest at this early stage of doubt.

Good suggestions. The YT vid in this post contains a substantial portion of what is commonly referred to on YT as the Zeitgeist movie.

@Markus Hi yes..thats correct Markus..its a movie documentary..look at the trailer first to see if you feel if it's is not exclusively about Religion it is also about corporate greed..resources running out..belief systems crumbling will get the picture. Zeitgeist is also a movement.

Also she could watch an interview about Religion by say Bertrand Russell..or Noam Chompsky for example...they speak calmly and gently about the truth..they are not scary people.

Old Lord Russell. Good idea.

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