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Some dealmaker this asshole is.

jamessmithwick 6 May 11

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Apples and oranges.....


In so many ways he's not the right person for the WH. But when it comes to foreign policy, I think he's surprisingly...I can't use the word capable but he's getting the job done. The guy is a bully and mafia-minded. He stood up to Rocket Man and Iran is ruthless. I wouldn't be surprised if he's done the right thing with Iran. Maybe it takes his type to know what to do with his type. I admire how Niki Haley unleashes condemnation at the UN. I didn't vote for Trump and hope he isn't in office much longer because overall he's doing some damage. But I give him some credit for foreign affairs.
Status quo and belonging to the world consensus has gotten the world exactly nowhere.


He is not much of a deal maker, but he is a supreme asshole.

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