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How do the men here feel about having a relationship with ? "an older woman"? Not just in private, either. A friendship that grows into a comfortable, easy...coupling. LOL. I hate labels, but needed to express this SOMEHOW. Thanks in advance. Be honest, but not unkind, please. ? (Having asked this, I should say I love men of all ages. Attraction is hard to quantify. Sapiosexual. Not ever sure I'll be interested in ANYONE long-term. Haven't been yet. I'm OK either way).

FoundMyNietzsche 6 May 12

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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Never been an issue with me. If iike someone that's enough.

Coldo Level 8 May 12, 2018

Its called a Boy Toy, but they found out much to their surprize


In my language is called "OLD GREEN MAN".

@FoundMyNietzsche So Much for Male Prostitution.

@FoundMyNietzsche Never Jealous. Whatever floats your boat as the saying goes. From 18 to 80, If they can't walk then carry them. 95% of sex is Psychological. Your forgetting Tan/Bi's, Cross Dressers among the market. Lots of Corporate CEO's and other Persons of Recognition UH Hum are making headlines every day. I am wiser at getting into my late 60's but I fail to see your sexist, mean spirited jab which means I may have hit a nerve.

@FoundMyNietzsche I made no personal character assassinations to you in my initial response. You reference to my being sexist or mean spirited which I would assume that I am abusive. You seem to have brought into this other posts that I have made comments about that have no reason to be part of this controversy which I think is more a weakening attempt to discredit your accusations. .
Go and reference mean spirited which ends your initial comment. Again I seem to have hit a nerve and leave what I have posted in other areas out of the converse.


Yes, absolutely.


I have not had a dating relationship with an older women, but I have been attracted to them throughout my life and would be open to a relationship with one, although I'm now in the older category. Age is a number, I'm more interested in "attitude." I've seen women younger than myself that behave and think "older" than me. They are unwilling to try new things, go new places, question life, and instead stick to the familiar and predictable and be rather boring. Besides, an older women with a youthful attitude will usually be more experienced in life, cooking, sex, travel, or whatever and thus usually more interesting.


At 68 yrs.old I have recently dated a few older women, nothing serious just having fun. Oldest one was 83 yrs. was a delight to be with, she looked great went to gym 5 times a week, always going on vacation by herself, strong healthy personality. My best friend is 72 yrs. old, she looks 50 and hoot to go out with. just to name a few.


Why should there be a question except it was the tradition since men died sooner and so the woman looked for older guys for retirement income and life insurance. I think?


Who's the lucky youngster? I envy him!


Who's the lucky youngster? I envy him!

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