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I made another video, let me know what criticisms you have.

Always trying to improve, currently pretty amateur, hoping to get better over time.

slayer1am 5 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Join my new Group YouTube Creators here on I created the group just for his reason! I am CompelledUnbeliever on YouTube. I Liked and subscribed!


You have presented your case well. Thanks for doing this.
You really need to have some visual aids. If you present something verbally AND visually, people will remember it better. You can add these visuals with most visual editing software (I use VideoPad, but there are dozens of other good ones), or you can use a whiteboard, etc.
I use Powerpoint to create my videos.
BTW, you may be interested in my channel, (link does not work, you will have to point and click)

I agree visual aids would be awesome. I'll look into those. Will check out your channel as well.

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