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I'm new here. But after having just read quite a few posts, this is not the place for me. This is a place for argument .... not a search for the truth or for resolution for myself. Intolerance of Christians, athiests, or agnostics is at the very heart of why this Group will do no good for anyone. If you're just here to make your point and fight others, then what/s the point? There isn't any. I can see the handwriting on the wall. So, I'm done. Already.

garlon999 3 Oct 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry you feel that way! I hope you’ll reconsider. There are disagreements, but there are also a variety of posts that attempt to understand the members thought process,so that we can learn and grow. Many of us are polite and respectful, and intend no harm, even if/when we disagree. Perhaps with your encouragement via (posts and comments), we can learn some things from you.


I'm sorry that you have had this experience here. I did see some threads that looked unlikely to be fruitful, but I simply ignored them in favor of others that seemed (and were in fact) more thoughtful. I agree with Katie that "there are quite a few peaceful people here, too!"

I've meanwhile read your profile, and I am now clearer about where you are coming from. Should you perchance return, I would invite you into conversation. It was 30 years ago, but I've been where you are now spiritually. While there are some of us who are passionately hostile to theism, there are a goodly number of us here who simply don't believe but who are respectful of those who do.

But after reading your profile, here's a word of explanation that I believe might help you or others understand your experience: Within our national culture there are some differences in the usage of the word "agnostic." Numerous Christians tend to interpret the word "agnostic" to mean someone who doubts that God exists - in other words, they take the "a-" (= not) + "gnosis" (= knowledge) and conclude that the individual doesn't know whether God exists, i.e., s/he is torn / full of doubts about the existence or non-existence of God. It seems to me (please correct me if I am wrong) that you are agnostic in this Christian/popular sense of the word. Many Christians think that being 50/50 about God is what "agnosticism" means, but actually that's not true for the overwhelming majority of agnostics. If I say "I am an agnostic," it doesn't simply mean that I don't know if God exists or not; rather, it means that I hold that such knowledge is inherently impossible and thus that no-one knows, no-one can know, even the Christians or Jews or Muslims or whoever who claim that they do. So for those of us who believe that no knowledge of God is possible, then we tend to approach life as atheists since there is no particular reason to suppose that the Christians or anyone else have it right. I believe that this difference in the usage of the word "agnostic" is why you were so surprised at the level of atheism expressed here.

vertrauen: It is very nice of you to read his profile, and offer a clarifying explanation of agnosticism

Thank you, GoodMan. I hope he returns, but, even if he doesn't, I figure that maybe others in his situation might benefit and be less surprised if they see this thread.


Really sorry to hear you found the nascent community too argumentative. I do like your inferred suggestion to make it easier to find people who post more thoughtful/aspirational insights than just a critique of religion (and perhaps religious people). Do you have ideas on how we could do that? I'll think about it. Thanks!

Admin Level 9 Oct 5, 2017
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