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This post has nothing to do with Atheism. I just wanted to tell you about my experience with WiFi in an older house. I live in a brick ranch style ranch with a basement. There is a steel I-BEAM running across the house that makes WiFi tough. Our internet connection comes into our basement. I just recently upgraded our internet to 200 Mbps and was discouraged by the wifi speeds that I was getting. 10 to 15 Mbps was typical. I had 10 year old router providing both wired and WiFi for the house. I started investigating newer and came upon mesh WiFi setups. I found one that got high marks for being easy to setup and I purchased it from Amazon. I have to let you know that I am an IT professional so I know how badly we can write user documentation. When the box arrived, it came with a 4 page setup guide. In under 5 minutes, I had both my wired and WiFi network up. Now to run a speed test. Sitting next to my new router, I got 236 down and 11 up. I was giddy. I grabbed the two mesh points and went up stairs. I went into a bedroom Ran the test, same numbers. I plugged a mesh point in and went into s room on the other side of the I-BEAM, same numbers. I plugged the last mesh point in and now my whole house was covered. WiFi 200+ down 12 up. Ok, I don't work for these guys but the setup I bought was the Amplifi HD mesh from Ubiquti networks.

jwd45244 7 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Here's a thought --- start a group titled "Technology set-ups and reviews"
I bet you will get a lot of members who enjoy this type of stuff.


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